bitty.and.bunny: I Got it Covered

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Got it Covered

{chambray: old navy  |  dress: target (similar)  |  boots: steve madden  |  necklace: vintage}

It's around that time of year again when the mosquitoes of Lincoln Park come out in full force and seem particularly hungry for my blood.  (Or maybe everyone's blood equally.  I don't know; the large amounts of deet I've been inadvertently inhaling while arming myself with a protective coating of bug spray could be causing slight paranoia). 

That being said, sometimes the only way to outsmart those suckers is to just cover up.  Luckily it was cool enough yesterday to shield myself with knee high boots, a long dress, and a 3/4 sleeve top.  Oh, and a necklace.  Because if Wu-Tang Clan taught us anything, it's to protect ya neck.
I'm pretty sure this is exactly what Method Man had in mind.

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