One of my favorite parts about getting dressed is remixing the clothes I already have. I find the challenge of coming up with new ways to wear the same things really rewarding; it sparks my creativity and forces me to try new combinations that I otherwise might not have thought of. Plus, it's pretty easy on the wallet, too. I'm proud to say that since I started this blog over three years ago, I've only repeated outfits a handful of times (it's usually when I wear something and don't document it for the blog, so I feel entitled to wear it again. I'm a crazy person, right?).

I hadn't worn
this dress in over a year, and never in cooler weather, so I decided to take her out for a spin and remix her two different ways for fall. In this first outfit, my legs stayed nice and warm with the help of my
kushyfoot tights. I love their opacity and texture, but I have to admit that when I realized they were control top I was totally turned off. I
loathe control top. But miracle of miracles, they didn't squeeze the life out of me. I can honestly say that this is the first pair of control-top tights I've worn that are actually comfortable. Pain-free control top tights exist. Who knew?
jacket: f21 | similar (on major sale!)
I love how a simple change of jacket and shoes can transform an outfit into something entirely different. I wore this back when it was still slightly warm enough for bare legs. But even so, I wore fleece-lined trouser socks with my boots, and I was cozy all the way up to my shins. These babies will really come in handy during winter. A lot of my boots require thin socks, which usually leave my feet freezing cold. This pair is thin yet still cozy and fleecey. I don't even know how that's possible, but I'm so glad I found them.
The sweet people at kushyfoot also sent me a pair of
emergency flats like such:
I brought these on my recent vacation to Las Vegas, and they were an absolute
lifesaver. Or for the less dramatic, a foot-&-toe-saver. If you've ever been, then you know that there is a
lot of walking to do, yet high heels look very nice at the club. I have no shame carrying my heels with me all the way from the hotel to the bouncer, awkwardly putting them on while standing in line to get in. Then folded up and into my clutch the flats go, to be taken out again when it's time to stumble on home. #Classy.
Linking up here.