bitty.and.bunny: Favorite Fashion Friday #83

Friday, March 13, 2015

Favorite Fashion Friday #83

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Super exciting update, guys: I'm still adjusting to the new job, and have still been utterly ignoring the blogging world. So again I must confess that I don't have a favorite from the last link up. For shame.

But here's the good news: The weather is (finally, finally, thank the lawd, FINALLY!) beginning to warm up a bit, which will go a long way in letting me convince myself that standing outside without a coat isn't such a bad idea anymore. So, here are some promises I may or may not fulfill to get back on track with some brand spanky new posts soon!

Happy Friday!

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(Please follow all the rules.  If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)

1. Follow your hosts

Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor! 

2. Grab a button

Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list.  (or a text link works fine too!)

3. Link up

Link up your favorite outfit post of the week.  Please only link up outfit posts from the current week.  Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.

4. Comment & Hop Around

Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post.  Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!

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