bitty.and.bunny: November 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

T-Day Delay

This year my Thanksgiving is going to be a little unorthodox.  Besides celebrating with my sister, brother, and mom, which is a rare occasion for me since I live 1100 miles from them, we're also getting to eat outside in sunny, warm Florida weather at the end of November (!!!).  And instead of celebrating Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving day, we're celebrating it tomorrow, on Black Friday.  It was a simple way to accommodate the fact that my boyfriend couldn't get a flight down to join us until then.  Besides, it's also a great deterrent from the temptation to head out to the mall at 3 in the morning, (though the high probability of mob tramplings are usually deterrent enough, but still).  So from my delayed celebration to yours, I hope you have, had, or will be having, a very Happy Thanksgiving!  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Vegas, Baby! {Part 3}

It may be hard to believe, but I still have more Vegas photos to share with you.  I'm telling you; it was hard to pry the camera away from my eye the entire time we were there.  Things might have gone a little too far when I found myself watching life through a camera lens more than without it.  But can you blame me?  I am a girl, and am therefore inexplicably and uncontrollably drawn to bright and shiny things.  And as a blogger, I am compelled to capture each and every one of those things on film.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Vegas, Baby! {Part 2}

If you've ever been to Las Vegas, then you know that one blog post full of photos just doesn't cut it.  There are so many exceptionally beautiful, interesting, and strange things to look at, which translates into precisely three posts' worth of pictures.  So here's installment number two.  If you haven't had your fill yet of bright lights, interesting art installments, and other random bits of this captivating town, then you'll be happy to know that round three is only a couple short days away.  And if you're just sick of seeing all of these happy memories of mine, well, then you're not a very nice person, now are you?  And also, hang in there because I'll be back with regularly scheduled outfit posts next week (except they'll be coming from Florida where I'll be visiting my sister for Thanksgiving.  What a turn of events!  I'm so full of surprises!) 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Vegas, Baby! {Part 1}

Last week we went to Las Vegas.  The timing couldn't have been worse; our flight was scheduled to leave the day after Hurricane Sandy hit NJ.  Needless to say, that flight wound up being cancelled, but we were lucky enough to get on a flight the following day.  We wound up losing one day of vacation, but after several days without power, the abundance of electricity and the ability to take a (much needed) hot shower more than made up for the time lost.  We had a blast there going bar hopping, eating to our hearts' content at buffets, pretending to be high rollers while playing $0.25 video poker and getting free drinks (score!), strolling around town, and taking in a show (if you ever have the opportunity to see Cirque du Soleil's Beatles LOVE, do it do it do it!).  But the biggest bonus of the entire trip was the fact that one of my cousins, who lives 400 miles away, just happened to be there at the same time for a friend's bachelorette party.  Getting to meet up with her for a few hours in a posh rooftop bar with views overlooking the whole strip was an unexpected surprise that made my entire month.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Guess Who's Back

Thanks, everybody, for all of your concern and well wishes.  After 10 days without power due to Hurricane Sandy, I'm finally back on the grid.  Luckily we were on vacation for 6 of those days (photos coming soon), but the few we endured without electricity, heat, hot water, or the ability to cook a hot meal were less than ideal.  At first hunny bunny and I were excited to sit in a romantic, candle lit apartment and chat while eating snacks & drinking beer, but after a few hours of breathing the cloying, nausea-inducing smells of about 20 oxygen-sucking scented candles, and realizing that there'd be no TV to chase away the boredom, the novelty wore off pretty quickly.  Fortunately, a bunch of wonderful volunteer workers from Ohio came to personally restore my town's power.  Without them and their generosity, I can only speculate as to how long we'd still be without electricity.  It truly made my day when we went out for a run on Saturday and saw them hanging out, waiting for their next assignment.  We stopped to talk with them for a bit and express our sincere gratitude for their kindness.  Not only were they friendly and just downright nice, but they were genuinely happy to help, and were excited to learn where they'd be sent to help next.  To know that there are people like these men, who are willing to leave their families for 2 weeks, drive hundreds of miles, work during a cold and windy snowstorm, and even miss their chance to vote in the presidential election, and who do it all with a smile on their face, warms my heart and makes me proud to be part of the human race.
{that's me in front of this year's Christmas tree}
Don't get me wrong, besides a fridge full of rotten food and a large tree falling in our yard (miraculously missing everything and landing in a spot where nothing and nobody were), we came out relatively unscathed.  But it is heartbreaking to see the massive damage and destruction Sandy caused to other parts of NJ and NYC.  The Jersey shore is no more.  Parts of New York's subway system and tunnels were flooded, downtown Manhattan was underwater; there was fire, flooding, destruction, and death.  Sandy is in the top 5 worst storms this country has ever seen, causing more damage than Katrina did to New Orleans.  Some families have lost everything and have nothing to wear, nothing to eat, and no place to call home.  If you'd like to help please click here, or text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief.  Every little bit helps.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rachel's Rainbow Legs

Hello darling Bitty and Bunny readers,  I hope you are having a super lovely week so far. I'm Rachel from Rachel The Hat, it's lovely to meet you!

The lucky Kym is on holiday enjoying herself, and much deserved too. So whilst she's away she's given a couple of us fellow bloggers a little theme to run with:

Our Favourite Fall Item
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of autumn and winter is tights. That may seem a little weird, most people probably think of cosy knits and scarves and coats but for me, it's tights. I mean I really love tights!  I feel naked without them, and as much as I like warmer bare naked legged summers, I have to admit I am more in love with dressing for Fall.
Tights for me are so practical, they make remixing my rather large collection of dresses so fun!  Here's a peek in to some I've been wearing of late:

 Great with other jewel colours

Fairly normal, run of the mill, basic but very handy

Some may say tan overload I say, orange you glad you've seen these tights (hardy haha)

I have many a plan for purple tights, they go so well with many a colour

black can be another normal easy peasy colour, but I like to jazz it up a bit with these  bad boys!

or as my family call it Smurf. This day I was known as Smurf legs

This rust shade is soo re-mixable, its the kind of colour that goes with blacks, browns and navys!

My favourite, although i like to call it WINE, sounds classier right?!

Last but by no means least, another current favourite, that jaundice look is so in right now....i joke!

So are you a coloured tights fan? I am looking to add some pinks and reds to my collection and then i think my rainbow is complete. I know some people are wary of trying colours on their legs, but i say go for it! A great way to ease yourself in to colour is to try a pair with knee high boots, add a knee length skirt/dress and that way you will just get a glimpse of great colour when you move. 
If you would like to see more colours of the rainbow worn on my legs then by all means come on over and say hey! I'm  Rachel The Hat and it's been lovely chatting with you (in a one sided kinda way)

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