bitty.and.bunny: August 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Marika Magic Shaping Capri Review

Caution:  What I'm about to show you has never been documented before. It's me during and after a workout. In all my messy-haired, sweaty-skinned, makeup-free, red-faced glory. You have been warned.

As a fairly active person (who incidentally gave herself no less than four workout-related injuries one recent weekend - new personal record, by the way) I'm always on the lookout for new workout gear. Especially gear that will make me look better while I exercise, because, let's face it - slicked with sweat and gasping for breath ain't so pretty. I'll take all the help I can get.  

Did you know that slimming workout pants exist?? I didn't until I got to try this pair from Marika. I tend to stay away from all things slimming because I don't relish feeling like a sausage about to burst out of her casing (relish, get it). But I'm so glad I made an exception for these pants because they are C.O.M.F.Y. Seriously. They have these awesome little power-mesh sculpting panels on the thighs (help exactly where I need it), ultra-flattering body-contouring seams, and they don't squeeze at all. Plus, they work! I think I looked a little slimmer while wearing them. The proof is in the pudding?

This is my new thing, by the way. Running up and down bleachers. Yep, up and down 15 times, 3 times through. With bursts of HIIT in between. And if I still feel I haven't suffered enough, then sometimes a short run after.

I'm happy to report that I've since recovered from all four of my self-inflicted wounds, but not before tumbling over during a balance exercise to land squarely on a (unfortunately hexagonal shaped) dumbbell. So, even though these capris can't make me less clumsy, at least I'll look thinner next time I fall on my face. Right?

p.s. - Now through Sunday use code MM30 for 30% off your order at

*Disclosure: pants were provided to me for review*

Monday, August 25, 2014

Window Shopping

Lately I've been thinking about fancy dresses. I don't go out to clubs all that much anymore, but from time to time I still like to go out and shake my groove thing. Yeah, I said "groove thing." I can't believe I said "groove thing." Ok, stop saying "groove thing." Sometimes I wind up at clubs where anything goes, and I can get away with a sheer top and jorts. Those come as you are types are my favorite because really, who wants to dance in high heels all night? But often there is some seriously decent music happening at a chichi club with a dress code (this is NYC), and I reluctantly resign myself to a night of discomfort in exchange for reveling in awesome music. And, though I own many cute dresses, none of them really feel right for those fancier establishments.

As I was window shopping the cocktail dress selection at, I came across the above beauty. I love the colors, the silhouette, and the delicate detailing. But mostly I love the back. I don't know about you, but I just find something so alluring about the surprise of an open back on a dress, especially when done so tastefully. I would love to own this dress, and twirl around in it at basically any given moment, but even though it's beautiful, it still doesn't seem like proper club attire.

Inspired by the gold dress, I continued searching for an open-back dress that I can really get down in. When I came across this one, I knew it was a done deal. It's pretty, demure, and has that coveted open back. And with all that ventilation, I won't get overheated while dancing in my high heels all night.

Friday, August 22, 2014

4 1/2 Hours

hat: ON | crazy similar
tee: converse | cute option
shorts: DIY | similar
sneakers: exact
necklace: option 1, 2
watch: exact


I didn't know it when I got dressed the other day, but this would turn out to be my spend 4 1/2 hours in Ikea just to exchange a frying pan outfit. As if that wasn't bad enough, I am convinced that the returns/exchange area is the only place in the entire three-story behemoth that isn't air conditioned. My conspiracy theory is that since they know you have to wait there, they make it warm to drive up the sales of their irresistibly cheap ice cream cones, conveniently located right next to the waiting area. Paranoid? Probably. But you go to an Ikea in a heavily populated area on a Saturday and tell me you don't see one in every three people with a delicious cone of soft serve. Their tactic may or may not have worked on me. Twice. I'm onto you, Ikea.

Linking up here today.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The One Where I Catch a Cold and Fall Off the Face of the Planet

top: target | similar
shorts: AE | cute option
boots: overstock | similar
watch: exact
bracelets: groopdealz & DIY | similar & diy


Please pardon my utter lack of posts this last little while. An especially nasty cold took me out of commission for over a week. Basically all I could do for days was lie on the couch and watch TV, and even that was pushing it. I still have it, but I'm finally beyond the stage where forming coherent thoughts isn't a chore. And even though I've lost my voice, I am happy to report that I can still speak as much as I like as long as I type it onto a screen (or whisper to people, which isn't awkward at all).

This little number was my outfit of choice for a date with a friend at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC two weeks ago. I knew we'd be doing a lot of walking, so I tested these shoes out to ensure they'd be nice and comfy while strolling for miles around the museum and city. They passed the comfort test at home, only to completely and thoroughly disappoint me once out in the field. Luckily my friend was patient each and every time I made a pit stop to add a band aid to a sore spot, or to complain about the woes of being a woman who cares about trivial things like cute shoes, all while looking longingly at his size twelves and wishing - just for a fleeting moment - that my feet were big enough to borrow his sneakers.

Linking up with my homies today.

JLeer Giveaway

Hey guys, I'm back from my unexpected hiatus (more on that tomorrow), and I have a giveaway for you!  Today's giveaway comes from JLeer, an indie denim brand that marries quality and function with their innovative deep pocket jeans (perfect for anyone who fills their pockets up with keys, a phone, or a wallet, and needs a little more wiggle room in there).  

Along with @FemaleBloggerRT and the awesome ladies below, JLeer is giving away $50 PayPal cash and a pair of their jeans!

Enter.  Be awesome.  And come back here on September 2 to see if you've won!
(Open to US residents only)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I Love the '80s

It's undeniable. I am a child of the '80s. And I know this because I see '80s fashions coming back into style, and while most people scoff, I love it! (On a side note, there are some decidedly '90s styles coming back, too: overalls! flannel! scrunchies! But that's a whole glorious topic for another post).
Lately I'm seeing '80s influences all around, even in fancy-schmancy homecoming & prom dresses! And I honestly can't get enough. I was browsing the dress selection at, and came across this fluffy '80s-inspired confection of a dress. With a train! And just like that, I'm humming Like A Virgin and looking up videos of Michael Jackson doing the moonwalk. I may be well out of high school and college, but don't think I'm not wracking my brain trying to think of an appropriate place to wear this. The best I can come up with is '80s night at a club? But let's be honest - '80s fashion > '80s music, so I probably won't be hitting up '80s night anytime soon. It all seems so unfair - in the '80s I was too young to wear any of these styles, and now that they're back in fashion I'm too old. Sometimes irony sucks.

Which reminds me - anyone need a prom date by any chance? It'll be really fun! I'll show you how to do the MC Hammer dance. And then I'll explain who MC Hammer is....  

For more adorable prom and homecoming dresses (like these), check out!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Style Gather Giveaway

We gather the style for you!   
Today I have an exciting giveaway from Style Gather!  Style Gather is a unique clothing site designed to use social sharing to create a group discount.  Here's how it works: Choose a style you like and share it on social media with your friends.  (They rely on word of mouth to keep their prices low.)  And new items are being released all the time.

But just because the prices are reasonable doesn't mean the clothes aren't without tons of style.  These are some of my favorites.

(I'll take one of each, please).

Style Gather has also recently entered into a partnership with Sears, in a collaboration called  Every week, OpenSky will create a curated assortment of products from its merchant brands, the most recent one being Style Gather.  And to celebrate, Style Gather, along with the help of @FemaleBloggerRT and the lovely co-hosts below (who you should absolutely go check out!) is giving away $50 PayPal cash and a $50 gift card to their store!
The giveaway will close August 17.  Open to US residents only.
Enter.  Be awesome.  And come back here on August 18 to see if you won.
Good luck!

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