bitty.and.bunny: February 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015

Favorite Fashion Friday #82

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This week I started a new job and honestly haven't been very active in the blogosphere.
Please bear with me as I adjust to my new schedule as a working girl.
Have a happy Friday and a great weekend!

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(Please follow all the rules.  If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)

1. Follow your hosts

Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor! 

2. Grab a button

Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list.  (or a text link works fine too!)

3. Link up

Link up your favorite outfit post of the week.  Please only link up outfit posts from the current week.  Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.

4. Comment & Hop Around

Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post.  Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!

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Saturday, February 21, 2015


I don't know about you, but whenever I get back from a vacation, I seem to have mysteriously gained 5 or 6 pounds. I'm just so busy eating whatever I want, whenever I want, that I'm lucky if I bother to fit one or two workouts in during my time away. Plus, you know, I'm quite busy lying on the beach, or sitting at the beach, or eating at the know, lots of varied activities.  Ok, so I do a whole not of nothing on vacation. Mysterious vacation weight-gain solved.

So, naturally I was stoked when FitTea approached me to try their 14-day detox. It came at the perfect time; right after I got back from vacation and had a few of those I had lots of fun! pounds to shed.  Plus, their tag line is "Give us a few weeks and we'll give you a new waistline." They were speaking my language. Here's the low down. FitTea is an all-natural tea composed of organic green tea, oolong wu yi, rooibos, ginger, pomegranate, guarana, birch, stevia, corn (there are actual kernels in there!), and honey powder. It promises to boost the immune system, promote fat burning, aide in digestion, give you energy, and suppress appetite; plus it even has antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. I decided I could use all of the above, and thus began my two week #FitTeaDetox.

Here's what I did:

The instructions say to drink a cup of tea each morning or before a workout. It didn't clarify if the tea should be drunk with breakfast or alone, and since I am not one for whom a cup of tea constitutes a meal, I had the tea with my breakfast each morning. After eating whatever I wanted and not bothering to work it off for a couple weeks, I slowly got back into the habit of incorporating produce into my diet, and exercising most days.

Here are the results:  

When I had the tea alongside a simple breakfast of Grape Nuts with raisins and almond milk, I didn't get hungry again for over 3 hours. (Normally if I eat just one bowl of cereal I'm hungry after about 30 minutes). So, I would say it certainly worked as an appetite suppressant. My waistline, however, is inconclusive. By day four I was down 3 pounds and 1% body fat, which is the lowest it's been in years. But a few days later, I was back to my normal weight. Some days I weighed a pound more, some days less. But my body fat percentage went right back to what it normally is, and stayed around that number for the rest of the time.

Here are my thoughts:

As an appetite suppressant, this tea works. But as far as weight loss, my results are inconclusive. I can't say with certainty that the tea helped me to lose weight or any inches off my waistline. The tea has a slight lemony flavor that I personally didn't love - I just have a strange association between hot lemon anything and lemon flavored Theraflu, but my boyfriend tried some and he loved it.

If I enjoyed the flavor of the tea, I would certainly continue drinking it every single morning, for the simple fact that it helps me to feel fuller longer, and also, this stuff is healthy. I can only imagine that with continued use, I'd lose a few pounds in the long run, and I don't doubt that all of the antioxidants would strengthen my immune system. But sadly, Theraflu really did a number on my psyche, and now all things warm and lemony make me be like. If it didn't kick my colds' butts on a regular basis, I'd be pretty upset with its creators for giving it such an icky flavor*.  

*Just for clarification. FitTea doesn't taste like's so much better and much less intense. It's just that I've had Theraflu so many times, it just makes me want to stick my tongue out whenever something that even reminds me of it is in my presence. But I'm sure you're a much more mature person than I.

Disclosure: I received compensation for my review of FitTea.  All opinions are 100% my own.  You know how I roll.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Favorite Fashion Friday #81

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My favorite look this week comes from Jessica at j petite because while I'm sitting here in -10° weather, she's doing this. And I could certainly use a dose of spring right about now, even if it's just a little daydream sparked by a stylish blogger in a warmer part of the country.

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(Please follow all the rules.  If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)

1. Follow your hosts

Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor! 

2. Grab a button

Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list.  (or a text link works fine too!)

3. Link up

Link up your favorite outfit post of the week.  Please only link up outfit posts from the current week.  Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.

4. Comment & Hop Around

Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post.  Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!

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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Love Is...

...when you don't need to be reminded to show affection just one day of the year,
because you act like every day is Valentine's Day.

And after almost 8 years together, it's still kind of awesome to hear the words
I love you every single day
(especially when I'm feeling about as pretty as I look in that photo).

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Favorite Fashion Friday #80

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I am all about this cute, cozy winter outfit from Beauty 101 by Lisa. The shorts, the sweater, the blanket scarf, and that adorable ballerina bun are all doing it for me this week. And now I'm inspired to rock some winter shorts for myself, (even though the intelligent part of my brain is screaming at me not to as it's reading a forecast of 5° days for the next week and a half).

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(Please follow all the rules.  If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)

1. Follow your hosts

Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor! 

2. Grab a button

Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list.  (or a text link works fine too!)

3. Link up

Link up your favorite outfit post of the week.  Please only link up outfit posts from the current week.  Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.

4. Comment & Hop Around

Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post.  Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Weather Woes

chambray: target | current version 1, 2
fleece tights: gift | similar
boots: exact | crazy similar
necklace: exact | 14k gold version
watch: exact
scarf: (old) h&m | similar 

You can't see it under my chambray, but I assure you there's a cute dress under there.With faux-leather sleeves and everything....ok, just faux-leather sleeves, but still. It's a shame the weather is still like this, otherwise I wouldn't have had to cover it up with a thin denim shirt for warmth (which you can clearly see by the rosy red glow of my nose, is doing quite the bang-up job.) Thankfully fleece-lined tights are a thing, because while my entire upper body was freezing taking these pictures, I can't say that my legs did much complaining. Not nearly as much as my face did. And in this winter that doesn't want to end, a couple warm extremities are something to be grateful for.

Linking here today.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Favorite Fashion Friday #79

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Look at this lady, isn't she just gorgeous?  I can't say enough good things about Osy's outfit this week.  Her styling is impeccable (and so clever - her top is really a dress!), her hair is amazing, and that bright red lip pops so beautifully against the graphic black and white.  Can I just be her for a day?

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(Please follow all the rules.  If you don't we'll have to delete your post from the link up...and we really don't want to have to do that)

1. Follow your hosts

Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin' and leave us a comment letting us know so that we can return the favor! 

2. Grab a button

Grab a button, put it at the bottom of your post, on your sidebar or in your linky list.  (or a text link works fine too!)

3. Link up

Link up your favorite outfit post of the week.  Please only link up outfit posts from the current week.  Posts that don't fit these guidelines (such as giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up.

4. Comment & Hop Around

Comment on your host's blog and on at least one other linked up post.  Visit as many of the lovely blogs that are linked up. Comment and let them know you found them from Favorite Fashion Friday!

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Oh, Deer

blazer: (old) target | real similar
top: ON | similar
jeans: exact
booties: c/o chicwish | similar
scarf: borrowed from boyfriend
sunnies: similar 1, 2
watch: exact


Oh, deer indeed. It's been....well, I don't even actually know how long it's been since I've done an outfit post. I blame it on the winter (too cold!) and the holidays (busy busy busy), but mostly it's just the fact that I've been fortunate enough to take 4 vacations in the last 4 months*. SO much on that coming soon.

I wore this around Christmastime, which explains the giant reindeer on my shirt. Though truth be told, I'd rock this reindeer any time of year. Inspired by Megan, who I featured in the Favorite Fashion Friday link-up back in December, I decided to fancy up my reindeer a little bit with a blazer, too. I must admit, though, Megan's outfit, with her camel-colored blazer and bright scarf, just pops way more than my version. Camel and reindeer get along splendidly. Who would have thought?

*This is what happens when you don't go anywhere all year and then have to use up all the vacation days before January comes around. It's kind of surreal to travel someplace new every month...I recommend it.

Linking here today.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bonny & Blythe {Giveaway}

Be sure to enter the Loot Crate Giveaway here!

After receiving some very disappointing news from a groundhog yesterday, I have some good news for you today. It's giveaway day (!!!) This week's giveaway is sponsored by Bonny&Blythe, a cruelty-free health and beauty line that specializes in affordable spa-quality high-end skin-care treatments, all designed to help battle the effects of aging.

They are especially proud of their Anti-Aging Duo, which consists of the brand's C, E, & Ferulic Serum (for women and men) and its Age-defying Eye Serum, both of which have been scientifically proven to maintain healthy skin throughout all of life's stages. And they'd like to give one of you lucky ducks a chance to try out the duo for free (plus a little extra PayPal cash just because)!

In a nutshell, these serums pack a serious punch:

Vitamin C, E, Ferulic Serum
    • Restores skin elasticity
    • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
    • Promotes collagen synthesis
    • Protects against further UV damage
    • Reduces skin discoloration due to UV damage
    • Reduces redness and evens skin tone
    • Promotes wound healing
    • Clears acne and helps prevent future breakouts
    • Moisturizes and nourishes skin

Age-defying Eye Serum
    • Promotes skin nutrition
    • Reduces eye puffiness
    • Improves dark circles
    • Promotes protein synthesis and cell replication
    • Reduces/prevents wrinkles and fine lines
    • Accelerates skin renewal

Just check out these before and after results.  Mind officially blown...

Before using Vitamin C, E, Ferulic Serum
Before Product Use 

After using Vitamin C, E, Ferulic Serum for 6 weeks
After 6 Weeks Using Bonny & Blythe C, E, Ferulic Serum 

With the help of @FemaleBloggerRT, Bonny&Blythe is giving away $25 PayPal cash and Bonny&Blythe Anti-aging Duo for Women or Men (you choose). 

Make sure to check out these other great bloggers co-hosting the giveaway with me.

Good luck!

The duo includes Vitamin C, E, Ferulic Serum and Age-defying Eye Serum. The giveaway will close Feb 18. Giveaway open to US residents only. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

..And a Grumpy Groundhog Day to You

Just three short years ago this day, I was traipsing around in honest to goodness shorts.
And now in the midst of snow flurries, the giant clairvoyant rat is predicting another long winter, just like last year.

Happy Groundhog Day, indeed.

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