bitty.and.bunny: June 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013


{John Belushi in Animal House in no way represents what college is really all about}

This post is going to be a bit of a throwback.  All the way back to when I was in college.  As a broke student, I pretty much loathed buying books each semester.  They are just so dang expensive; and don't even get me started on the long ass lines I had to wait on just for the privilege of having my wallet raped in front of my very eyes.  By the end of my time at school I had become so sick of text books - from overspending on them (especially when certain professors had us buy them at the beginning of the semester, just to drag them to class every day and not even use them), to getting a truly pathetic return on my investment when I sold them back to the very same bookstore that gouged me in the first place (gee, $11.87 for a $75 book that's only 4 months old, how generous) - that I refused to buy a single book in my last semester.  True story.  Miracle of all miracles, I got straight A's, but it wasn't without a lot of borrowing books from friends, and fully exploiting my free use of the scanner, printer, and copier at my on-campus job. 

{me in college, probably thinking about textbooks, and not looking nearly as cool as John Belushi.  Plus, I looked a constant mess because I had just started growing dreadlocks.}

Even though I'm not in school anymore, when approached me about spreading the word about renting textbooks, I knew I had to share.  I can only wish that this existed in the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth (aka when I was in school).  

Let me break down the awesomeness of this site:
-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices (!!!)
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
-they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented (how amazingly fantastic is that?!)
-AND you can even rent your books to other students when you're done with them, using the new RentBack program

So if you're in school, starting soon, or are just an uber-genius/weirdo who likes to read text books for fun, I highly recommend you watch this video to learn all the details, then check out  

**Full Disclosure: I was provided compensation in exchange for writing a post about  As always, all opinions are my own because I think this concept totally, completely rocks**

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Freudian Sleeps

{target top (similar) | f21 shorts | jcp jacket (similar) | aldo booties (similar & on major sale!) | fossil watch}

Sometimes, usually as I'm drifting off to sleep, I'll get these mini sartorial epiphanies.  It may be an idea to pair a top with a skirt that I might not have thought of in my fully conscious mind, it may be a witty line or two to write for my next post, or it may be a simple vision, like "wear taupe glitter booties with denim shorts."  What can I say, I'm at my cleverest when only barely awake.

Not one to argue with my subconscious's sense of style, I decided to try out the bootie/jorts look and wore this to a party last week.  And even though after a few hours I could hardly stand in these heels anymore (never forget your high heel cushiony insert thingies!), I was somehow able to dance a little salsa when we discovered that two of the party goers are instructors and had an impromptu lesson at 1 in the morning (and hey! I only stepped on my partner's toes twice).

p.s. - Montreal was pretty amazing.  More on that soon!
p.p.s. - Linking up here.
p.p.p.s. - Don't forget to enter the UD Naked Palette giveaway going on here!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Urban Decay Naked Palette Giveaway

Today I've teamed up with LeChateaudesFleurs & RainShadow Labs to bring you this awesome giveaway.  Good news - it's open worldwide!

Urban Decay NAKED Palette Giveaway
This long, lean, seductive case is packed with 12 gorgeous neutrals.  Shades range from delicate champagnes to dark, gritty gunmetal, with names like Darkhorse, Virgin, & Buck.  There's also a wide range of textures: everything from glitter to shimmer to matte.

About the Sponsor

RainShadow Labs
RainShadow Labs

RainShadow Labs provides the highest quality wholesale cosmetics. They offer lotions, washes, cremes, candles, soaps, gels, essential oils and so much more. 

Visit them here.

AEWR Turbo Wrinkle Smoothing Treatment
Featured product from RainShadow Labs: 

AEWR Turbo Wrinkle Smoothing Treatment
The name says it all. If there is one turn back the clock product that every person over 25 with skin should have, this is it.  Restore firmness, heal sun damage, increase hydration, erase wrinkles, smooth texture, nourish at the dermal layer, minimize irritation, increase skin brightness and even out skin tone.

Enter to win the Urban Decay Naked Palette:
Open worldwide. Ends 7/8/13. Entries will be verified. See Rafflecopter for full Terms.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Taking Off


I'm leaving today for a little anniversary road trip to Montreal.
I plan to spend the next few days spending some quality time exploring the city with the man who makes my life a happier life to live.

See you next week!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Illusionist

{sears dress (cute option) | i heart ronson jacket (similar) | steve madden boots | boyfriend's belt | inpink necklace (similar) | f21 & gifted bracelets (similar 1, 2, 3)}

I bet looking at these photos you can't tell that I was so full after going out to lunch that I could barely walk, let alone smile.  And I also bet you can't tell that we only happened to stumble onto this beautiful secret garden because we went poking around behind the back of a Target.  Also on the list of things you might not have guessed - this was the first time I wore this dress and accidentally left the tags on it all day long.

This is why I don't usually give behind the scenes peeks.  I like to maintain the illusion that I actually have it together.

{Linking here today.}

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Simple & Easy

{f21 tank (similar) | ON shorts, hat (similar) | o'neil sandals | fossil watch | gifted bracelet (cute option 1, 2)}

Simple and easy was my motto for this outfit.  It was worn for a day spent walking in NYC (28 blocks to and from a bar with a wonderful rooftop patio to be exact) and chilling with a few friends on said rooftop.  Light, flowy, and comfy were on the agenda, and this outfit didn't disappoint -ok, except maybe for a little nub on one of the sandals that irritated my toe.  Is there such a thing as sanding down your shoes (not to be confused with sanding shoes)?  Because that's my solution.  I may be on to something here.

Linking up here today.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Extraneous Additions

{ON vest (similar), tee, shorts | target shoes (similar) | fossil watch | gifted necklace, earrings (similar), bracelets}

Whenever it's summer, there usually comes a point when I'm thankful for the days cool enough to wear layers.  Don't get me wrong - summer is my favorite and I kind of love hot days, but I think we can all agree that being creative with a tank, shorts, and sandals can only go so far when it's 93 degrees outside.  So when it's a cool 70, I feel really grateful for the chance to gussy up my outfit with some extraneous item of clothingOver the weekend I took advantage of the 75 degree day to add a totally non-essential vest to my ensemble.  Cool-hot days and unnecessary accoutrements; it's the little things that make me happy.

Linking today.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just Had to Share This....

A friend sent me this video this morning, and after thanking her for making me to cry at 8am, I decided that I needed to share this little nugget of wisdom with all of you.  This kid knows what's up.

Now that's some food for thought (sorry, I can't resist bad puns).  Have a beautiful day!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


{target tank (similar) | f21 shorts | ON hat (similar) | skechers shoes | fossil watch | gifted bracelets (similar 1, 2)}

I kind of just copycatted my own outfit {here} without even realizing it.  What can I say; I guess in my world denim shorts just scream for some combination of neon & white, a pair of toms lookalikes (mine are bobs by skechers - same do-good concept, cheaper price), and the ol' fedora.  This warm weather sure has my creativity in overdrive, let me tell you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Four Eyes are Better Than Two

This post brought to you by All opinions are 100% mine.

As you might remember me mentioning, I love glasses.  I don't need them to see, but that doesn't mean that I don't still occasionally like to grace my face with fancy frames from time to time.  In my opinion, glasses are so much more than just vision correction devices; the right ones can flatter the face, add extra oomph to an outfit, and sometimes even make you look a little smarter - though why glasses are associated with intelligence is a mystery to me...anyone else agree that's a kind of weird stereotype?  Anyway.
Today I want to introduce you to, a website where you can buy Designer Eyeglasses at a big discount.  Amongst brands like Gucci, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and Ray Ban, has also introduced a line of Derek Cardigan Eyeglasses.  I love that the line is vintage-inspired (read geek chic heaven) and that the prices are so reasonable (like two pairs for $95 reasonable).   And my favorite part - you can use their try-on tool, where you can try glasses on a photo of yourself.  It is seriously cool.  Check this out. 
...and if you're still not sure they even offer free return shipping, so you can try them on at home, too!

These are some of my favorites from the collection (these selections are particularly geeky, which I can't seem to get enough of lately!):
I hope you'll hop on over to check out soon!  Definitely upload a photo of yourself for the try-on tool - it is really fun!

p.s. - In case cool glasses, great prices, and risk-free selection aren't enough, also gives back!  For every pair of glasses purchased, they donate another pair to someone in need.  LOVE that!


Monday, June 3, 2013

One of My Brighter Moments

{sears dress (cute option) | whoop tee shirt | qupid sandals (similar) | gifted necklace (similar) | c/o oasap ring}

These 90 degree days we've been having over the past week are really making it feel like summer.  However, this is precisely what not to wear on those kinds of days.  The dress was way too long, blocking the nonexistent breezes I kept hoping for, and trapping the heat in.  The tee shirt, while wonderful at reflecting light, also had a blanket-like effect and turned my own body against me by preventing its heat from escaping. 

Before you go thinking I'm a complete dummy for wearing this on such a hot day, I had worn this outfit a week ago when it was cooler, and I only put it on again to get some photos.  However, choosing to photograph this outfit on a hot, humid, sunny day, walking in the heat to this location, and standing around sweating in places I didn't even know could sweat for 15 minutes, was apparently totally within my realm of good decisions.  So, scratch that first sentence.  It may not have been my brightest moment.

Linking here.
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