bitty.and.bunny: July 2014

Thursday, July 31, 2014

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

I have two important questions:  Do you have kids?  Or maybe you just know some that you hang around with every once in a while?  Well, then I have a giveaway for you.

Kid's Academy is all about teaching children through educational songs, stories, and games.  Some of their apps have been in the top-50 educational apps in the iTunes App Store, and they've even brought the well-known stories and nursery rhymes The Three Little Pigs and Five Little Monkeys to life with interactive apps. The simple interfaces of the apps allow children to take the reins and play on their own, and the sing-a-longs and other activities are perfect for parent or teacher engagement as well.  

Even though I don't have children, my family and friends have some kiddos that I hang out with, and I'm so excited to play these educational games with them.  I love being the aunt who's fun to play with, but is so sneaky that she's actually teaching at the same time. Tricking kids into getting smarter.  Yeah, that's how I roll.

Anyway.  On to the giveaway!  Entry is super simple.  Just download this free app and write a review in the iTunes app store.  At the end of August, Kids Academy will randomly choose 2 lucky winners who will each win a $100 Amazon gift card!  

1. Download the FREE app located here
2. Write a short, honest review on the iTunes App Store.  If you've already reviewed this app, simply update your review and you will be entered.  That's all!

Enter.  Be Awesome.  
And keep your fingers crossed until end of August for that $100 gift card!
Good Luck!

ModCloth Home Decor Sale

This post contains affiliate links which means I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking them. 

ModCloth may be your go-to for cute dresses and clothing, but did you know they have a stylishly quirky decor department, too? Think fun and unique adornments for your home, kitchen, bedroom, or office. If that’s not incentive enough to check it out, they just so happen to be having a 20% Off Decor Sale ! No code needed, just shop to your heart's content, and there really will be no place like your home! (See what I did there?)


bandeau: DIY | option
top: c/o chicwish | similar 1, 2
shorts: exact (but different wash)
booties: c/o chicwish | so similar
necklace: AE | option 1, 2
purse: target | option
watch: exact


This kind of outfit is quickly becoming my standard summer uniform: sheer neutral top, shorts, booties - what's not to love? I had plans to meet friends at a beer garden this weekend* and surprise, settled on a slightly varied version of this outfit I just wore. Please, try not to be blown away by my boundless creativity. Except this time, I put the sweater on and realized it was waaaay too sheer. So I grabbed this bandeau that I DIY'ed (and by DIY I mean I cut the top off a pair of old leggings and sewed one side so it was tight enough to stay on) to cover up a bit. I looked in the mirror and thought censor bar - you know the kind that appears over, well, things just of this nature. How literally apropos. I'm pretty sure the generously inebriated patrons of the bar got what I was going for there.

*We went to Studio Square Beer Garden in Long Island City, NY - if you're ever in the area, do yourself a favor and stop by - it's one of the best beer gardens I've visited. Also worth mentioning is that later on we wound up at a club called Output in Brooklyn, which is another fine establishment with face-melting beats and a nice rooftop lounge, worthy of a visit anytime you feel like dancing your ass off until 6am.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beauty Bit: Emjoi eRase Review

Since it's summer and prime leg-bearing season, let's talk about hair removal. Yay, we're women, so societal pressure dictates that we must pretend we have no hair growth on our bodies below the eyelashes! Feminist rant aside, I still succumb to the hair-removal school of thought, especially when wearing skirts, shorts, dresses, and bikinis. Shaving is quick and easy, but is so very short-lived, requiring a daily commitment to maintain smoothness. I have things to do and places to be. Ain't nobody got time for that.

So when I was offered a chance to test out the new eRase epilator by Emjoi, I was more than happy to try a new longer-lasting method. For those who don't know, an epilator is a little machine that removes the hairs by the root - sort of like waxing without the wax - and the results can last up to six weeks. I really liked the sound of that.
^ the eRase is made up of tiny tweezers that open and close automatically; it's less scary than it appears

I won't lie - it hurts. You're pulling the hairs out of your body, and hairs do not go quietly. But is it unbearable? No. Of course, the amount of pain will differ for everyone and it depends on a few factors: your tolerance for pain, how sensitive your skin is, how much hair there is, and the area in which you are removing hair. Outer thigh = barely feel a thing. Inner thigh = a whole other story.

Things I've learned from my experience - my skin got realllly irritated after using the epilator. All red & bumpy (see below). If this happens to you, don't worry; it's just the skin's reaction to having its hair ripped out, but it will go away. My advice: don't use it the day you're going out, especially if you're using it on your face; do it at least one day prior to give your skin time to recover. Mine took almost a full 24 hours.
^ a few minutes after using the eRase (not pretty)

Another thing I found - it helps to go slowly and methodically because the machine doesn't get every hair with each pass. I had to go over some areas many times to get most of the hairs. It never got every single one, but I might have just been too distracted watching Rock of Love reruns to ensure that each hair got plucked. I did, however, go back over my legs the following day and got a bunch more.

The results, though not perfect, last a long time! It's been five weeks and counting, and I have much less leg hair than before. I still am shaving every so often, but the re-growth is hardly noticeable, and I can get away with shaving about once a week.

And just so the last image seared into your brain is not one of my bumpy, red, and strangely flabby-looking leg (nobody ever said taking photos of your own body parts was easy), here is one of what's contained in the box.
^ epilator w/ cover, storage pouch, power cord, & cleaning brush (not pictured is a cover designed for sensitive areas)

Compensation was not received for this post; however a sample was provided for review.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


You may remember me mentioning that I took a little trip to Buffalo over the July 4th weekend. And even though some may say that a vacation that happened almost a month ago is old news, I'm going to call balderdash and poppycock, and regale you with photos of it anyway.

We spent the day in downtown Buffalo at a 4th of July festival along the waterfront of the Erie Canal.

My sister & me in a Buffalo in Buffalo....trippy.

It didn't take us very long to find the beer tent.

There were free concerts all day long. We boogied pretty hard.

Colorful kites being flown higher than any kites we'd ever seen flown before.

Hanging out by the fire with family - always a good time...until one of your cousins flings his flaming marshmallow around instead of blowing on it and burns his own hand while at the very same moment striking unbridled terror in everyone nearby. (I'm looking at you, Darren).

We all guessed the sex of my cousin's soon-to-be-born baby, then found out the result by eating cupcakes filled with blue frosting.

We enjoy a good face melting blaze.

There were so many other family members and good times that I didn't take pictures of. Sometimes when you're having fun, you just don't think about picking up the camera. In fact, this was the motto of our weekend:

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


top: target | option
shorts: exact (but different color)
booties: c/o chicwish | so similar
watch: exact
purse: target | cute option 1, 2
sunnies: harmon | similar


These shorts.  These perfectly fitting, not-too-tight, not-too-loose, totally comfy, just-the-right-color, perfectly shredded & destroyed shorts.  It's not often that I buy denim of any kind, because it's not the easiest task finding just the right pair that both looks and feels good.  Plus I'm lazy and usually give up after trying on a few flops.  So when I find that perfect pair, it is always a cause for small celebration.  Or a glass of champagne at least (I'll take any excuse).  And these shorts, my friends, are the Goldilocks of shorts.  They are juuuust right.

If you're inclined to snag a pair for yourself, I'd advise you to hurry because they are going fast.  It looks like this wash is already sold out online (always a chance they're still in stores, though), and the darker wash seems pretty close to the same fate.

Joining the party.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

What Makes Me Sparkle

Post sponsored by Dasani; all opinions are 100% mine.

Over the 4th of July weekend I shuffled off to Buffalo, as I often do, to visit with my amazing family.  I always love to see my awesome aunts, uncles, and cousins (yes, we are one of those families that truly loves being in each others' presence - it's always non-stop chatter and loads of laughter), but there were three things that made this visit extra special.  My cousin and his wife are pregnant and they decided to throw a huge family BBQ, wherein we'd all get to gather together (it's a rare occurrence that we're all in the same place at the same time; the last instance being at this same cousin's wedding a couple years back*, so this in itself was definitely something to celebrate).  Plus, at the BBQ they would reveal the baby's sex (exciting!!) via cupcake (slightly more exciting!!) that would be filled with either blue or pink frosting.  Drumroll please...... it's a boy!  And the third cherry on top is that my sister flew up from Florida for the occasion, so I got a bonus visit with her.

I have to admit that I've been in a little bit of a funk lately, so being around my hilarious, inappropriate, loudmouthed, outspoken, witty, supportive, loving family was just the thing my soul needed.  Simply put, this ragtag bunch make me sparkle.

^  disorganized, disheveled, distracted - so typical of this family

^  getting closer

^  there it is...sort of

Speaking of sparkling, Dasani recently launched a tasty new line of sparkling water (which I've had the chance to try and it is deelicious!).  In celebration, Dasani wants to know what makes you sparkle.  Upload a photo of what makes you sparkle to Dasani's twitter or instagram with the hashtag #SparkleWithDASANI, and you could win a sparkling getaway to the Westin Diplomat in Ft. Lauderdale!  The prize includes airfare, hotel, and spa treatments for you and three friends.

You'll also want to like Dasani on twitter & instagram so they can contact you if you're the winner (selected in early August).  Good luck!

*just gotta say, big ups to my cousin, Darren, for being the driving force behind gathering the whole family not once, but twice in the past two years!


Wow.  I just realized it's been almost a month since I did an outfit post.  I assure you I have been getting's just that I haven't quite gotten around to documenting it.  I promise to get back into the swing of things, but for now I just will leave you with this, a(nother) non-clothing related post.

Indie band OK Go has some pretty tight videos (remember their awesome treadmill dance?).  Their videos are always quirky, creative, and filmed in one continuous shot, and they never fail to keep a goofy smile plastered on my face throughout their entirety.  I was blown away by the sheer creativity and simple, yet stunning optical illusions in their newest video, The Writing's On the Wall.  So much so that I am compelled to share it with you.  You're welcome.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Best. Fit. Ever.

This post brought to you by Abercrombie & Fitch. All opinions are 100% mine.

Even though we're in the throes of summer (pools, maxi dresses, pedicures, beach waves, backyard bbqs,  bonfires - how can you not love it?), I still get a little excited thinking about back to school season (cooler weather , lots of layers, and crisp autumn air).  Not that I've seen the inside of a classroom in over four years, or anything.  But because even though I'll most likely never matriculate again, I can still take advantage of all the back to school shopping sales.  If I had a first day of classes to look forward to, I'd absolutely wear something like this.  
Back To School

I especially love the sales on jeans.  I'm a firm believer in you-can-never-have-too-many-jeans as long as they fit really well, are totally flattering, and are 1,000% comfortable. Easier said than done.  I can't begin to tell you how many pairs of jeans and variety of brands I've tried over the years in an attempt to find that perfect pair, and I'm sure you - as a female with your own unique body and shape - can relate. Well, ladies,  Abercrombie & Fitch to the rescue.
 photo cf20bf87-4c23-4bf1-b8b8-0741a72e2290_zps8d5b9a0b.jpg
They have an amazing collection of jeans with an array of washes, sizes, and fits. Personally I'm a high waisted skinny jeans kind of girl.  But I also like a good, distressed boyfriend jean.  Abercrombie offers both of these (plus lots more), and all jeans have a no-slip waistband that lays flat and has memory stretch so it keeps its shape wash after wash.   And the very best part?  You can get any jeans in store for $35!  What's not to love?  Head over to A&F to discover your #BestFitEver.  
 photo 49093144-6976-47f5-8920-10b1ab91c176_zps89691043.jpg
Also, Follow @abercrombie on Twitter or Follow @abercrombie on Instagram for tons of sartorial inspiration!

Visit Sponsor's Site

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summertime Fun {Giveaway}

Happy Tuesday!  I'm really excited to bring you a HUGE giveaway today.  Welcome to the Summertime Fun Giveaway hosted by Life in a House of Testosterone and Friends!  There is over $1,800 in prizes to be won!  There are so many great prizes up for grabs that this post would be craaazy long if pictures of everything was included, but can view a complete list with photographs here.

summertime fun giveaway

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Shout out to the wonderful sponsors helping to make this awesome giveaway happen:

You have 3 CHANCES TO WIN three different prize packages!   You can see what's included in each prize package below.

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