bitty.and.bunny: January 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Just an FYI...

This is a Blogger Giveaway Event. 

Bloggers will be given one free link with announcement post. Bloggers are expected to promote this giveaway thru their social media accounts at least twice a week. 

Please do not sign up, if you cannot commit. 

Please Sign Up Here! 

For information regarding this event please contact Heather at mommyonlyhastwohands(at)gmail(dot)com

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Decidedly Unfancy

{similar coat  | jeans | similar blouse | vest | similar scarf | boots | necklace, c/o sheinside | vintage brooches}

I know we are all well and established in 2014 by now, but I just came across these photos from Christmas day.  We spent it with a group of friends, so for the occasion I decided to wear a fancy pants outfit (which ironically did not actually include any fancy pants).  As you no doubt can tell, I am extraordinarily sophisticated in my dress, as my elegance knows no bounds.  Slap on some gold polka dots and call me dressed up.

Linking up here today.

Monday, January 20, 2014

THE Dress.

I'm not getting married (yet) but (much to my boyfriend's chagrin) that small, insignificant fact certainly doesn't stop me from fantasizing about the big day, or even devoting an entire Pinterest board to it.  Sometimes I'm surprised at the sheer amount of time I spend fantasizing about my hypothetical future wedding; and I'm always amused by how much it terrifies my boyfriend each time I show him something new I've pinned for whenever we decide to get hitched.  Though I find myself musing over little details like unique ideas for doling out tips at the end of the night, or what combination of flowers might look pretty in burlap-wrapped mason jars sitting atop vintage doilies next to a stack of antique books (cliché?), it's the bigger details that I spend the majority of my time daydreaming of.  Like The Dress.  Not to be confused with simply a dress, or just the dress.  But.  THE Dress. The big mama jamma.  One of the most important and memorable dresses a woman will ever wear.  The dress that will flatter and accentuate in all the right places, and cause her friends, family, guests, and groom to marvel in her truly remarkable beauty. OK, I might be getting a little carried away.  But you know what I mean.  You've had the wedding dress fantasy, too.

That being said, who wants to spend a month's rent (or take out a second mortgage) to pay for something you're realistically only going to wear once?  A really great option, then, is TBDress.  They sell really pretty, realllly affordable wedding dresses.  To visit, click here:  With options as lovely as these, you can look gorgeous on your big day, and even have a little bit of cash left over to feature a canoe cooler or a funky photo booth at your reception!

I Have a Dream...

In case you've never heard one of the greatest speeches of our time in its entirety.
Happy MLK Day.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


This post is for all my NY/NJ area guys & girls, or anyone planning to roll through NJ around Super Bowl time.  As you might already know, the Super Bowl is going to be hosted in my home state this year!  (That's NJ in case you didn't know).  Even though I'm not a fan of football, I can't help but feel kind of excited that we're going to be hosting the most watched show in America.  Having the Super Bowl in your proverbial backyard -and access to all of the parties that go along with it- is just about a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I can't even begin to imagine how crazy amazing exciting it is if you're into football.  If the thought of watching the Super Bowl live at MetLife Stadium and partying before, during, and after gets you going, then I highly advise you to check out PrimeSport.  They are the one-stop-shop for everything Super Bowl.  They can grant you access to exclusive parties, premium game tickets, VIP events, pre-game hospitality parties, and even in-stadium parties.  Coming in from out of town?  No worries, PrimeSport has you covered, too.  Not only do they offer Super Bowl tickets, they also provide Super Bowl travel packages as well as luxury Super Bowl packages with hospitality.  Picture this: not only do you have tickets to the Super Bowl, but you have great seats, plus access to, oh, I don't know, one of PrimeSport's amazing exclusive parties like the New York pregame experience party hosted by Jerry Rice & Tiki Barber that includes an open bar, live entertainment, tasty food, and celebrity guests.  
What could be better?

(you could be partying with these guys!)
For most people, getting the chance to attend the Super Bowl is a one time deal; why not make it amazing?  Seems to me that PrimeSport is really the only way to properly experience the Super Bowl.  

Disclaimer: Compensation was provided in return for writing this post.  All opinions are 100% my own.  Because I totally think you should have the most fun you can if you're lucky enough to attend the Super Bowl!

Onecklace Review

{similar top | unknown cardi | jeans | boots | love necklace, c/o Onecklace}

I just have to start this post by saying how utterly happy I am that the super freezing, -17° weather seems to have passed (at least for now).  Never in my life has 35 degrees felt so warm!  Anyway, I received this awesome necklace in the mail a few days ago from, and I, pardon the pun, love it!  I was able to choose from a plethora of different fonts (I settled on this pretty, delicate script), as well as the finish (24K gold plated), and even the length and style of chain.  I thought a lot about what word I wanted, and finally in the end chose simply, love.  Because love is all you need.  The processing time is impressive, considering that each necklace is custom made.  I don't think I waited longer than 2 ½ weeks from the time I placed my order until it was in my hands, and that was with the holidays.  Not too shabby! 

On a completely unrelated note, I'm thinking it may be time for a slight hair color change. The ombre is looking a little overwhelming and a tad orange, and while it's totally 90s grunge perfect, it's just not working for me.  The surprising part is that when I wear my hair wavy (which I shockingly have no photos of yet since getting the new color), it blends perfectly and looks gorgeous.  But worn straight, something looks a little off.  Perhaps a warm brown is in order.  Now, to simply book a last-minute flight to go see my hairstylist in know, no biggie.

Partying with these peeps, yo.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2013

And now for the final installment in my Looking Back at Photos From 2013 Because It's Too Damn Cold to Take Pictures Outside Right Now Series, I bring you my most popular posts of last year.  It was really interesting to go through my stats to see which ones got the most views; it gives me great insight as to what you all would like to see more of in the future.  I have since concluded that you guys enjoy pants, shorts, skirts,  dresses, shirts, sweaters, flats, heels, accessories, and DIYs.  Really narrowed it down there.


Linking here today.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Snippets of 2013

After writing a post about my worst outfits of 2013, I feel I should follow it with a post featuring some of my best.  (Constant self-deprecation is probably not the greatest idea I've ever had; at some point I need to allow myself one or two brief pats on the back for an outfit well worn.)  Luckily, there were marginally more favorites than fails.  

(You can click each photo to open the original post in a new window)

Linking here today.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Top 5 Outfit Fails of 2013

I was so amused and so inspired after reading this post from Marionberry Style that I decided to borrow her idea and write an outfit fail post of my own!  Because who doesn't like starting the new year by showcasing her worst outfits of the previous one?

This one worked in theory...not so much in practice.

There's technically nothing wrong with this outfit except for the highly unflattering length of the shorts.  Or maybe it was the length of the vest that didn't do me any favors.  Either way, not my most slimming look.

Is it too much to ask for a maxi dress to reach my ankles?  No, no it is not, because I am only 5'3".  

This could have been great with a more structured jacket.

Again, probably could have been improved with something more structured like a blazer, but it was Valentine's Day so you know, style be damned, I'm wearing red.  


So how about you?  Did you wear anything last year that you regret?  Even just a little bit?

Linking here today.

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