bitty.and.bunny: May 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Announcing the adidas Pure Boost Collection

It's getting warmer out, and besides the added fun of BBQs, trips to the beach, and bike rides around town,  it also means running weather!  Please meet the adidas Pure Boost running shoes.  These sneakers are seriously light and really comfy, and are creating quite a buzz in the running community for both their function and fashion.  Basically, they are awesome enough to wear while running and cool enough to wear when not.  With lots of color options for women and men, these are the shoes any runner (or non-runner) is going to want to nab.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Bloggers Wanted

liah summertime fun blogger opp.jpg

The Life in a House of Testosterone Summertime Fun Giveaway event will kick off on July 1. A variety of products to make your summer fun will be included in this giveaway.

Choose two free links if you sign up to participate in this blogger opp! You can choose Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram as your free links with the announcement post (grab it here). If you don't want to post the announcement, you can submit a $5 waiver fee via PayPal.

This giveaway will run from July 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014. Signups close on 6/25. Giveaway open to Continental United States only.

Co-Host spots are available for $5 and include 5 links (no Google+ links please) in addition to the 2 free links for 7 links total. Links available for co-hosts are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Newsletter Subscription, Instagram, Bloglovin, Picket Fence, or Networked Blogs.

Extra links can be purchased for $1.00 each, up to 3 additional links.

Payments should be sent via PayPal to and if you have any questions about this event, email Kim at directly.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Put A Bird On It

top: c/o dxmall (20% off w/ code DXMALLFAN)
shorts: exact
necklace: c/o dxmall
shoes: similar | cute option
hat: ON | crazy similar


I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  Life is just better when you put a bird on it.  And this blouse is no exception.  For a good, long while the extent of my obsession with birds was limited to swallows, sparrows, and other songbirds.  I'm only partially ashamed to admit that not too long ago, I constantly put birds on things, but limited it to sparrows, swallows, and similarly small, adorable ones (if only you could see my bird-adorned hoodie, the plush birds nestled in my house plants, the Christmas ornaments I sewed, various necklaces featuring our feathered friends, and oh yeah, the handmade mobile hanging by my bed).  But then I received this flamingo print top* from my lovely sponsor, dxmall, and I am now proud to say I welcome birds of all types to adorn my attire.  I mean, what a waste of time thinking flamingos (used for decorative purposes of course) were simply neon pink, plastic kitsch accompanied almost exclusively by astroturf.  Thanks to the truly beautiful print on this top, I now see that they can be pretty, understated, sophisticated even.  I can only imagine what will come next.  Seabirds?  Arctic birds?  Tropical birds?  The possibilities are wide open!

*a note about the top: contrary to the blazer I received from dxmall, this top seems to run large.  I'm wearing a size medium, but probably could have done with a small.

Linking here today.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Intro to #Izola

Imagine stepping into an old-fashioned, ultra cool clubhouse with an antique edge.  Or a hipster boyscout den with a vintage twist.  You'd come in, get comfy, and would most certainly be offered a cocktail.  And when your Old Fashioned arrived (naturally), the bourbon would have been poured out of a classic style flask, emblazoned with a tongue-in-cheek inscription along the lines of Neat, To My Health, or Good Intentions.

The entire club would be outfitted in much the same style.  Meander through the rooms and you'd find an array of home textiles, throw pillows, soaps, candles,  bamboo toothbrushes, luggage, hardware, duffel bags, shoe brushes, and ceramics, all in a style of understated sophistication.  It's the kind of cool that speaks volumes without saying anything at all.  

That is exactly the kind of vibe you'll find when shopping at Izola.  It's as if the Izola team plucked the coolest items out of the 1940s and transplanted them directly into one impeccably curated collection.  In fact, Izola is inspired by the old world utilitarian ideal of making something that is built to last.  So it's no surprise that, much like its sturdy predecessors of times gone past, these are high quality items made with great care and attention to detail, and are just undeniably hip.  Basically if Moonrise Kingdom had a shop, it'd be Izola.

Even though the collection at Izola is geared mostly toward men, I had no trouble finding about 184 things that I would totally snag for myself.  But I managed to whittle down the list to include my ten favorites, including items like a typewriter screen printed laptop case, red cedar and balsam fir incense (two of my favorite scents in the world), an apothecary case (it's hard for me to resist anything with a white cross on it - my boyfriend is Swiss, after all), and a laundry bag that almost guarantees to make doing laundry just a little more enjoyable.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

So whether you browse Izola's (ultra cool) wedding collection when registering for your wedding or to choose the perfect bridal party gifts, or are just shopping Izola's series of functional every day staples to find something unique for the special guy (or dad) in your life, there is really something for everyone at Izola.

What do you think about Izola's collection of items?  Do you dig this ruggedly cool, hip sort of style as much as I do? 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Make the Cut ModCloth Contest

This post contains affiliate links which means I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on them.

ModCloth is launching its second Make the Cut Contest of the year!  Remember when we talked about it in February?  No?  Well, it's a fashion design contest, and in this edition, they're giving contestants a template on which to create a print pattern for a scarf.  The talented winner will have their design produced by and sold on ModCloth, plus they'll receive a $500 prize!  But first, the top 10 submissions will be hosted on the Be the Buyer page, where the community will vote for their faves.  Design submissions will be accepted now until Friday, 5/30, and the voting begins on Monday, 6/9.  Official contest rules can be found here

Good luck!

Win Your Way to #BloggingCon {Giveaway}

Sometimes we need to nourish our blogging/writing/careers, and this giveaway will help you do just that.  Thanks to Blogging Concentrated and FemaleBloggerRT, myself and 5 other bloggers (whom you should totally check out) are giving you about a bazillion chances (or 77) to win 1 of 5 tickets to a BloggingCon event in the city of your choosing.  That means there will be 5 winners total.  Yay for spreading the love!

What's BloggingCon you ask?
Good question.
The mission of Blogging Concentrated is to equip professional bloggers and business owners with the necessary tools to be relevant and successful in the digital market.

Click here to see the list of cities they're currently in.  If you don't see yours, no worries. New cities are being added all the time.  Not listed, but in the works are Houston, Oklahoma City, Pittsburgh, Charleston, Indianapolis, and Toronto . . . The winners will be able to use their ticket now or wait for an upcoming event.  The giveaway will close June 3, winners announced June 4!

See what people are saying about Blogging Concentrated:

And that's it!  Enter.  Be awesome.  And check back on June 4 to see if you've won!

The 80's Called...

tee: handmade from NYC street vendor
blazer: c/o dxmall (get 20% off with code DXMALLFAN)
jeans: exact
shoes: exact (on clearance for $13!)
rings: c/o born pretty | option
necklace: c/o born pretty
sunnies: kohls | crazy similar
watch: exact


Having a fresh, crisp white blazer at my disposal to add to an otherwise unremarkable outfit of a tee shirt and jeans almost feels like cheating.  I mean, all I have to do is pull this beauty out and it is instant Miami Vice coolness.  I received this one from dxmall, and it is just perfect.  The quality is top notch, and it fits like a dream (though it does run a little small - the one I'm wearing is size large).  I think Don Johnson would approve.

Not only does dxmall offer lovely clothing like this sophisticated blazer, but they have a whole array of amazing, affordable products ranging in everything from clothes and jewelry to shoes and handbags, and even garden items and camping gear.  With free worldwide shipping, they're definitely a site to check out.  Plus, you can get 20% off your order with code: dxmallfan.

Here's a little sneak peek at the pretty printed blouse & necklace dxmall sent me.  Stay tuned for the full post coming Friday...and kindly try to ignore the fact that ironing my clothing is *clearly* a top priority in this household.

Linking up here today.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Day of Summer at One Kings Lane

Backyard BBQs, seaside picnics, lounging by the pool, hiking through the woods... not so long ago the idea of being outside seemed like a dream, but summer is (finally!) almost upon us, and soon all those fantasies that felt unattainable during the winter will become a glorious, sun-soaked reality.  One Kings Lane would like to help you celebrate with a special Day of Summer! The One Kings Lane stylists have curated a collection of items perfect for creating everything from an intimate garden hideaway to a seaside retreat, and every other form of summer entertainment in between.  These sales will set you up for sun, fun and a dreamy outdoor existence.

Check out the deals at One Kings Lane Day of Summer:

Garden Escape collection
Hotel Chic collection
The Coolest Thank-Yous - perfect hostess gifts
Farm to Table: Alfresco Furniture & Tabletop
The No Fuss Bed at One Kings Lane
Get Outside: Bikes, Games & Beach Towels
Master the New Summer Mix - taking nautical style to the next level
Exclusive Beach Towels collection
The Lighting Bazaar - light up your night
Breezy Layers - perfect summer accessories

How will you celebrate the summer this season?

Top 5 Tips for Festival Season

This post brought to you by Teva. All opinions are 100% mine.

It's that time of year again, guys - the days are a little longer, the sun shines a little brighter, and you just want to dance in a field all day to live music.  It's festival season!

Electric Zoo Festival 2010
Sometimes the festival gods conspire with the sun and the universe to shine down on a simple confectionery to make one of the most beautiful, magical photos ever to be taken at a festival.  Major props to my friend, Elisabeth, who captured this beautiful moment.

Festivals can be a fun, wonderful, otherworldly experience - and they should be - but there are certainly things you can do to make your festival an outstanding one.  Here are my Top Five Festival Tips:
  1. Wear comfortable shoes!  I can't stress this enough.  Sure, those wedge sandals look really cute with your maxi skirt and crop top, but after walking and dancing for a few hours, you're going to ditch them.  And then you'll be stuck carrying them around the rest of the day.  Not to mention that you'll probably get stepped on, or worse, step on something sharp.  Teva (the official footwear of Bonnaroo) makes some super comfy shoes that you can find at Zappos.  Personally, I'd choose a pair with a closed toe for protection, but it really depends on if you're going to get up into the dancing pit or hang back and chill the whole time.
  2. Bring a backpack.  You're going to want use of your hands ~ while dancing, while snacking, while applying sunscreen, or while holding a beer.  A small, lightweight backpack will keep your arms free for whatever you decide to do with those most useful of appendages.  
  3. Prepare for when it inevitably cools down in the evening.  You're going to be there all day, even after the sun sets.  And some festivals don't allow you to leave and re-enter.  A simple beanie will fit easily in your backpack, and you can tie a sweater or flannel around your waist.
  4. For the love of God, wear sunscreen.  And reapply it often.  You'll sweat.  You'll go in a misting tent.  The sunscreen will come off.  Put it back on.
  5. Visit The Fountain for more tips on getting #ready2roo, where festivalgoers are sharing their tips & tricks for making your time at a festival a truly positive and extraordinary experience.

Have you been to a festival?  What are some of your tips and tricks for making it the most amazing experience ever?  

Visit Sponsor's Site

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Scarf Story {+ Kushyfoot review}

tee: ON
jeans: exact
Chucks: exact
scarf: gift (Thanks, Mom!) | option 1, 2
necklace: born pretty (use code KNT10 for 10% off)
purse: francesca's | similar
watch: exact


There is an interesting story behind this scarf.  About seven years ago my mom came to visit and she wore this exact scarf.  It looked amazing on her, so naturally, I coveted it instantly.  After finding out where she bought it, I ran to the store only to find that it was no longer available.  Ever since, I've jokingly (aka not jokingly) always told her that if she ever gets tired of it to send it my way, and every so often I pester her to find out if that day has come.  Recently I went to visit her, and while there we sorted through all her clothing to determine what should stay and what should be donated.  As mothers and their fashion blogger daughters do.  As if to taunt me, we came across the scarf.  Again I asked if she was ready to relinquish it to me, and again, I was denied.  And then just about a week after returning home, I received a little birthday gift in the mail from my mom containing the most beautiful, most lengthily anticipated, most patiently awaited, and certainly the most special and appreciated scarf I have ever known.  The little sneak had been planning it all along and decided to surprise me by sending it rather than give it to me right then and there.  And I love her all the more for it!

...And now for an awkward change of subject, let's talk about feet, shall we?  Specifically, Kushyfoot socks.  I got a chance to try out all of the cute little foot coverings you see below.
^^ massaging anklet socks, low cut & ultra low cut with padding, & sport socks

                             ^^ sports socks                              ^^ low cut          
                             ^^ ultra low cut                            ^^ padding on the bottom
                    ^^ sheer anklet socks               ^^ massaging squiggles on the bottom

With warm weather approaching, I can no longer rely on long pants or tall boots to cover up my super comfy, so very flattering tube socks.  In the warmer months, I love to wear low top shoes like Toms, Chucks, Keds, & Sperrys (sounds like a group of golfers at a country club), but hate when my socks show.  What I hate even more is when my low cut socks slip off my feet.  I've tested these puppies out several times now, and can say with 100% certainty that these socks really stay put.  Even the ultra low cut ones.  In fact, they stay put so well that they tend to get a little tight and dig into my ankles & toes if I wear them for more than a few hours.  But that just may be due to the fact that I have larger than your average short girl's feet.  If you look closely in the photos above, you can see the pink athletic socks peeking out of my sneakers.  They stayed just like that all day, and I never once had to readjust.  I'd definitely recommend them to protect your feet while wearing low tops, flats, and even heels (where the padding will really come in handy).  Viva los summer shoes!

Disclosure: I received these samples in exchange for a review but no other compensation was provided.  All opinions are 100%  my own cos that's just how I roll.

Linking up here today.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Birthday Suit

dress: target | similar 12
booties: c/o chicwish | so similar
vest: DIY from old H&M jacket | similar
necklace 1: (old) delias | option
necklace 2: c/o chicwish


This is a little belated (does two weeks still count as just a little belated?), but I wanted to share with you the outfit that I wore for my birthday.  It was a warm, sunny day that turned into a crisp cool evening - perfect for hanging around the fire pit, sharing good conversation, having lots of laughs, and roasting a few peeps.  Yes, fire roasted peeps. It's just one of the many splendors of throwing a birthday party the day before Easter. People bring candy which lends itself quite well to being impaled upon sticks and thrust into flame.  And fyi, they're pretty damn delicious.  Who knew?

Linking here today.

Cash in Your Clutter

This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive compensation if you purchase after clicking them. 

Do you have electronic clutter?  You know, stuff like last year's e-reader, the laptop with the old processor, that iPhone with the cracked screen...believe it or not, these things junking up your drawers and shelves are actually cash waiting to be collected!  

Starting today, Gazelle will pay an extra $10 for any device valued $50+ that you trade in. An iPhone 4S, for example, can fetch up to $155 on Gazelle, and with this promotion, would be $165!  You'll get extra cash, your home will be clear of the clutter, and best of all you'll be doing the planet a favor!  Turn your spring cleaning into a rewarding process by trading in your unused electronics at Gazelle

Friday, May 2, 2014

UniWigs Extension Review & Tutorial

A little while ago I received the pretty, brown/pink ombré clip-in extension above to try, courtesy of UniWigs.  I've never worn extensions before, so I was a little lost as to how to go about putting it in my hair (spoiler alert: it is ridiculously easy).   Luckily I was able to take it with me when I visited my sister, who's an amazing hair stylist.  (Really, the girl's got talent).  She walked me through it and even showed me a helpful little trick for all of us fine-haired ladies (see step 2).  Sadly the extension was a tad too big for my abnormally tiny head, so I enlisted the help of my lovely friend and proud owner of a normal sized head, Amy, for this tutorial.  (Thanks, Amy!  You're a peach!)

My impressions of the extensions:  Besides the beautiful color, they're really soft and smooth, they look realistic, and appear to be very well constructed.  They come with these little snapping clips sewn into the extension (you'll see them below), that literally make applying the extensions a snap!

Let's get started.  All you need is a comb and your extension.  Here we go.

Step 1. Since the extension is just one long piece, you're going to want to part your hair horizontally wherever you'd like to apply the it.  Clip it up and out of the way (or if you forgot to grab a clip, just ask your friend to awkwardly hold her hair out of the way for you).
Step 2 (optional). If you have fine hair, gently tease it right near the part to give the extensions a little more to hold onto.
Step 3. Open all of the clips along the extension.
Step 4.  Beginning on one end of your head, slip the clips one by one into the teased hair, and snap them closed.  Move horizontally across your head, inserting clips and snapping them closed as you go.  
Done! ....almost.....

As you can see, the extension didn't quite blend in with Amy's hair, so I decided to make a side fishtail braid to mask the transition between the real hair and the and faux.  

In retrospect I should have taken my tiny head into consideration when choosing this one-piece extension, or at the very least checked the measurements.  UniWigs also offers extensions that come as several smaller pieces, which I think would have worked better for me.  I love that this extension is so easy to apply, and I also love that it can be worked into so many different hair dos (like maybe a top knot or a funky braided side bun).  My verdict: I'd recommend it.  Just make sure to check the measurements first, and keep in mind that if your hair isn't the right color or length, the extension may not blend in when you wear your hair down.

Disclaimer: I received extensions from UniWigs in exchange for my review.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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